Dr Trudy T Arriaga

Speaker Summary

Dr. Trudy Arriaga, former Ventura Unified School District superintendent and current Cal Lutheran University faculty, shares her 40-year educational journey. As the first female superintendent, she authored “Opening Doors” and “Leading While Female,” providing insights and strategies for cultural proficiency and overcoming gender barriers in educational leadership. Arriaga passionately assists institutions nationwide in fostering culturally proficient and inclusive organisations.

Areas of Expertise

Values-Based Leadership

Full Profile

Dr. Trudy Arriaga served the Ventura Unified School District for 14 years as the first female superintendent. Her 40-year career included the roles of paraeducator, teacher, assistant principal, principal and director.

She is currently on the Cal Lutheran University faculty in the Graduate School of Education. Trudy is the author of Opening Doors: An Implementation Template for Cultural Proficiency which delivers a compelling account on how leaders can create and expand cultures of social justice and equity. Her second book, “Leading While Female: A Culturally Proficient Response to Gender Equity”, offers a counter narrative and strategies to overcome the barriers of women in educational leadership, followed by the companion journal, “My Leading While Female Journal”. It has been her privilege to assist educational institutions throughout the United States to align the actions of the organization with their stated values in their effort to build a culturally proficient and inclusive organization for each and every one.