Dr Neil Hawkes

Speaker Summary

Neil Hawkes is a doctoral graduate of Kellogg College, Oxford University. He is well known worldwide as an inspirational speaker, educator, broadcaster, author and social commentator. He is a popular TEDx presenter. Neil’s thinking is having a profound influence on education globally.

Areas of Expertise

Values-Based Leadership – Wellbeing

Full Profile

Neil first gained international recognition when he was a Headteacher in Oxfordshire, UK. Here he worked with a school community to devise and implement a model of education, which would give pupils a transformational vocabulary, based on values such as respect, tolerance, humility and justice. The school community found that pupils were empowered to embody ethical intelligence, the ability to ethically self-regulate their thinking and behaviour. Pupils developed the capacity to be ethical leaders. The quality of their schoolwork was enhanced too because they took responsibility for their learning and had time for silent reflection.

Today Neil’s philosophy has spread into all aspects of society worldwide and is known as Values-based Leadership. He is one of the V20 Task Group of values experts who advise G20 leaders about the importance of values to humanity. See: https://www.values20.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/2021-V20-Communique-and-Policy-Briefs-Sharing-Policy-Brief.pdf

He is one of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) experts on ethical leadership and has spoken at the UN in Geneva. To promote Values-based Living, Neil founded The International Values based Trust (IVET Foundation), https://www.ivetfoundation.com/socialtransformation and its educational arm Values-based Education (VbE), https://www.valuesbasededucation.com

He is one of the founders of the Global Alliance for Values-based Education (GAVE).

Search Google for more information about Dr Hawkes and at his website http://neilhawkes.org

Dr. Hawkes can be contacted at dr.neilhawkes@gmail.com

  • From My Heart, transforming lives through values
  • The Inner Curriculum, how to nurture wellbeing, resilience and self-leadership
  • On the Subject of Values…and the Value of Subjects