Michael Feely

Michael Feely

Speaker Summary

Michael began his teaching career in 2006 as a PE teacher on the Graduate Teacher Programme. During his career, Michael has taught in 6 different schools in a number of leadership roles: Head of Year, Head of House, Head of Department, Assistant Principal and Deputy Headteacher.

In 2014, Michael joined the Future Leaders Programme and was part of the inaugural leadership team of Ark Elvin Academy leading on behaviour and routines. In 2016, he joined Our Lady’s Catholic High School in London as Deputy Headteacher responsible for teaching and learning.

Michael was appointed as Principal of Dixons City Academy in September 2018, and in November 2018 Michael led DCA to be graded as Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted for the first time in the school’s history.

As a former youth England international at football and basketball, Michael has a keen interest in all sports and continues to teach PE at DCA.