Carla Tantillo-Philibert

Speaker Summary

Carla Tantillo Philibert is the founder and CEO of Mindful Practices; a company which provides SEL professional development, schoolwide SEL student learning programs and teacher wellness programs. She is co-founder and COO of Class Catalyst; an online tool which monitors the SEL needs of each student.

Carla is an educator and entrepreneur whose organization has offered innovative Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), mindfulness, and yoga programs to over 300 schools and over 7,000 students across the country since 2006.

Areas of Expertise

Mindfulness – Social and Emotional Learning – Teaching and Learning

Full Profile

A certified yoga teacher with a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction, Carla was a founding teacher and curriculum director of a high-poverty high school in Chicago. She has taught at both the secondary and elementary levels, is the co-creator of Hip-Hop Yoga™, and is a highly qualified professional development provider. Carla is also the author of Cooling Down Your classroom: Using Yoga, Relaxation and Breathing Strategies to Help Students Learn to Keep Their Cool (2012), Everyday SEL in Early Childhood: Integrating Social-Emotional Learning and Mindfulness Into Your Classroom (2017), Everyday SEL in Elementary School (2016) (2022), and Everyday SEL in Middle School (2016) (2022), Everyday SEL in High School (2018) (2022), Everyday Self-Care For Educators: Tools and Strategies for Well-Being (2020) (2022).

  • Cooling Down Your classroom: Using Yoga, Relaxation and Breathing Strategies to Help Students Learn to Keep Their Cool (2012)
  • Everyday Self-Care For Educators: Tools and Strategies for Well-Being (2020) (2022).
  • Everyday SEL in High School (2018) (2022)