Thinking Innovatively about Playful Learning Beyond Early Years

  • - An opportunity to evaluate how learning is built from The Early Years and why this is important for future skill.
  • - Our journey will be shared - rethinking learning beyond academic outcomes has given teachers and leaders a pedagogical thirst to explore more than one way. Brave leadership, brave teaching that makes learning meaningful and joyful!
  • - It is commonly said that our children are facing unprecedented levels of challenge, for example climate change, but we don’t say it often enough that creativity and playfulness can be vehicles for navigating this change and finding positive solutions. This session will explore and identify how play can facilitate complex problem solving.

Session Description

In response to a number of emerging questions in education we at BSB have explored the role that play might have in developing self-efficacy, creativity, risk taking ,critical thinking and joyfulness.
Working with an external organisation called Press Play, our staff have had the opportunity to explore how play might be embedded across the whole school. In the first instance, we began with the whole primary school and work is ongoing to extend this into secondary.

We have actively investigated, researched, and identified how the Pedagogy of Play can ignite lifelong skills, collaborating with inspirational educators across the Globe. Through this initiative of trailing the power of play we have invited not only teachers but students across age groups to play! We can confidently and passionately claim that this initiative has not only opened our minds to how learning can be instilled in meaningful ways but have also embedded learning that is meaningful and joyful.
This session will outline this initiative from Early Years up to Year 6.