Mental Wellbeing Support for Pupils with SEND

  • - Many mainstream pupils with SEND are experiencing significant gaps in mental well-being support.
  • - To address this dilemma, CYPs with SEND and their families need to be at the heart of research and decision-making in schools regarding appropriate support.
  • - This research brings CYP's voices to the fore and will lead to the development of CYP-informed guidance to generate more inclusive practice.

Session Description

“Nothing about us, without us, is for us” – Developing inclusive mental wellbeing support for pupils with SEND.
Research suggests that many mainstream pupils with SEND are experiencing significant gaps in their mental well-being needs. This Participatory Action Research study concerns children and young people (CYP) with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22qDS). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with CYP and their parents. Findings revealed that the majority of participants felt their voices were not being heard, impacting their learning and negatively affecting their wellbeing. Barriers to support included poor understanding of the condition and systemic failures in sharing information. Findings will help develop school resources, including infographics and presentations by CYP with 22qDS, to help generate more inclusive practice.

Link to resource: