Making Change Stick: Implementation science and school improvement

  • - The vast majority of school improvement initiatives fail to bring about lasting, positive change
  • - Bringing about lasting, positive change is doable – not just now and then, but consistently, and at scale
  • - The Making Change Stick programme will significantly increase your ability to bring about lasting improvements to the educational and life chances of children and young people

Session Description

Over the last 5 years, Dr James Mannion has developed a new approach to school improvement, rooted in implementation and improvement science, known as the ‘Making Change Stick’ programme. The Welsh government recently funded a 6-month pilot study involving 9 schools – and the results have been hugely encouraging. One school leader said ‘Everything we implement now will be done using this method, because we’ve found it so effective’, and another said ‘I hope this will be my legacy to the school in 20 years’. In this interactive session, James will share some of the secrets of implementation and improvement science – and explain how to bring about lasting, positive change to the educational and life outcomes of current and future generations.