Getting Learning Culture Right: It’s not WHAT we learn, but HOW we learn

  • - A call to arms: hear from business leaders and the OECD about the urgent need to act.
  • - Putting ‘learning how to learn’ first to empower students in the Technological Age.
  • - Practical changes that embed an empowering learning culture.

Session Description

Understanding how to learn is more relevant today, in the technological age, than at any time in human history. Rote knowledge is no longer enough: adaptability and resilience are the key cornerstones to being able to cope with a radically changing world. We need to develop a learning culture that better prepares students for a rapidly approaching future. This session explores the changes that must be made to the learning culture, through the lens of the most current research and relatable everyday examples from our experience as educators. We demonstrate how to create this new culture, and discuss its impact – now and in the future – considering the viewpoints of all relevant stakeholders.