Widening the Circle: Creating inclusive classrooms, curricula and teaching

  • - Insights about how and when learners are identified as having special or additional educational needs.
  • - Key principles for 'widening the circle' - increasing the range of ordinary provision for all, so that more learners can access regular classroom teaching and learning.
  • - Practical examples of inclusive classroom environments, curricula and teaching.

Session Description

In every school and classroom, we have a mental circle of provision that is felt to meet the needs of ‘regular’ learners and an outer band for those we describe as having special or additional educational needs. In this session, Jean will share insights from her best-selling book ‘Beating Bureaucracy in Special Educational Needs’, showing how we can widen the inner circle to include more children. Sharing great practice from outstanding schools, she will illustrate how they succeed in reducing the numbers of learners identified as needing something ‘extra’ or different – by changes to the regular classroom environment, curriculum and teaching.