Transforming School Culture Through Values-Based Education

  • - Reflect on the practices that develop ethos and culture in your school
  • - Consider how values are an integral part of your curriculum
  • - Be motivated to discuss the importance of belonging through thinking, being and doing as actions

Independent Thinking

Julie Rees

Session Description

Values-based Education provides a framework, a way of being, thinking and doing to embed a positive culture within a school. Using a Vbe framework embeds an ethos of trust and belonging, where progress is viable and everyone can flourish.
In this seminar, Julie will discuss the elements of VbE that she has used throughout her leadership journey as a head teacher of two primary schools over 20 years. These are as follows:
Authentic modelling by adults of positive values
Developing an ‘inner curriculum’ of thoughts, feelings and emotions
Ongoing reflective practice
The creation of a Values-based Education atmosphere
Building the Values-based Education Curriculum
Developing quality leadership
The development of an ethical vocabulary