The Working Classroom

  • - Bridge knowledge gaps for equity
  • - Empower working-class cultural strengths
  • - Implement proven strategies for impact

Session Description

The Working Classroom” provides practical strategies and tools for secondary schools aiming to better serve working-class students. Matt Bromley is deeply attuned to poverty’s challenges, and an advocate for systemic changes within teachers’ and leaders’ control. Addressing cultural poverty, this session guides schools to bridge knowledge gaps, empowering educators and families. It accentuates building on working-class heritage, not viewing it as a weakness. Practical methods, grounded in successful case studies, enhance students’ cultural capital. Tailored for secondary school educators and leaders, it fosters social justice in education, encouraging impactful changes. Whether in education or beyond, this session appeals to those keen on effective altruism and philanthropy, emphasising a socially just approach.