The Joy of Not Knowing

  • - Practical strategies that remove barriers from learning within classrooms and schools that function as thought-provoking communities of inquiry.
  • - Transforming student's perception of themselves as learners and creative thinkers.
  • - Instilling a deep and lifelong love of learning for all students as part of the everyday teaching and learning process.

Session Description

The session will explore the concepts that underpin the philosophy of education and school leadership that has led to the publication of the book entitled ‘The Joy of Not Knowing’ (Routledge, 2021). The session will describe how schools can establish values-led, thought-provoking, challenge-rich inspirational cultures for thinking and learning, where every child is equipped with all they need to be able to thrive and to perceive uncertainty, not knowing and finding things difficult as opportunities rather than barriers. The session will highlight how the ideas, principles and strategies can be nurtured in the classroom and as a whole school.