The Intersection of AI Literacy and Inclusion

  • - Activate a framework to better understand how to engage with AI from an inclusion perspective.
  • - Engage with strategies to advocate for more than just AI.
  • - Create a community base for critical questions about AI and Inclusion as it applies to your context.

Session Description

In this era of generative AI, we are challenged to view AI Literacy as an integral part of the vision and mission embraced by our learning community.

What exactly is AI Literacy?

It encompasses the capacity to comprehend, navigate, and critically engage with AI technologies. It calls to discern the potential biases in AI systems. It compels us to influence these technologies to champion equality, extending this commitment to all communities.

To sustain this essential dialogue and establish consistent practices, the adoption of a framework is invaluable. Furthermore, co-creating such a framework as a community endeavour can be highly productive. For those considering this initiative, I provide resources on how to initiate this process inside my PRIDE framework.