Teaching Science with Technology: MOOC and OER’s pathways

  • - The purpose of this session is to share the Commonwealth of Learning's experience and lessons learned in supporting teachers to acquire new knowledge and skills for teaching science through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and technology-based Open Educational Resources (OERs).
  • - The challenge of providing quality science education, especially in developing regions, necessitates addressing the need for qualified science teachers.
  • - The session explores perspectives from teachers, facilitators, and teaching assistants, demonstrating how MOOCs and technology-based OERs can increase the number of qualified science teachers, particularly women, shaping the future of science education.

Session Description

This session aims to share the Commonwealth of Learning’s experience in supporting teachers through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and technology-based Open Educational Resources (OERs) for science education. Science is increasingly recognised for driving national sustainable development, coupled with technology as a transformative tool. The challenge of providing quality science education, especially in developing regions, necessitates addressing the need for qualified science teachers. The Commonwealth of Learning’s MOOC on Teaching Chemistry with Technology offered twice in 2023, drew over 2,716 participants, 40% of whom were women. The session explores perspectives from teachers, facilitators, and teaching assistants, demonstrating how MOOCs and technology-based OERs can increase the number of qualified science teachers, particularly women, shaping the future of science education.