Solving the Frankenstein Problem: Why all learning is social and emotional to the brain

  • - Prioritise emotional engagement in teaching
  • - Foster holistic learning experiences for students
  • - Support students' character, citizenship, and purpose

Session Description

Emotions and social relationships shape our thoughts, actions, and experiences—how we think and who we become—not just personally, but academically. How and why is this the case? And what does this mean for teachers and the design of educational environments and activities? Mary Helen Immordino-Yang will present her research on emotional engagement and highlight the interdependencies of thoughts and feelings as people develop and learn. Her studies reveal how effective schooling is not simply about what students know and can do, but about how students learn to learn, and about how they experience the learning process. The findings underscore the necessity of supporting students’ humanity—their character, citizenship and purpose—to optimally support their academic growth.