Rethinking what it Means to go to School: High-impact strategies for innovating within the system

  • - Challenge traditional norms with innovative strategies.
  • - Prioritise impactful and dynamic learning experiences.
  • - Initiate change within the education system.

Session Description

Join our illuminating panel discussion, “Rethinking ‘To Go to School’: High-Impact Strategies for Systemic Innovation,” as experts delve into transformative approaches within the education system. Explore innovative strategies that challenge traditional notions of schooling and prioritise impactful learning experiences. Gain insights on high-impact practices that redefine educational norms, fostering creativity and adaptability. The panellists will discuss practical strategies for educators to initiate change within the system, emphasising dynamic learning environments. Don’t miss this opportunity to reimagine the future of education and discover actionable strategies for innovating within existing structures. Join the conversation and be part of shaping the evolving landscape of schooling.