Reclaim Power and Joy in Your Leadership

  • - In our field, we have an over-reliance on external validation as a marker of success. But the reality is, there is no rubric for a successful life.
  • - As educational leaders, if you want to improve the lives of kids and families, start by improving your own life and developing trust in your felt sense of self.
  • - A few simple actions can help you get started to reclaim your power and become living examples for your team and young people.

Session Description

When we find ourselves stuck in a rut, overwhelmed and tapped out as education professionals, we often get the message that this is what we signed up for. In the name of “quality”, we continually hold ourselves to the expectations of others, using them as our bar for success. But the reality is: that there is no rubric for a successful, happy life. And to act otherwise is to set up ourselves, our teams and young people for distress. Beloved nonprofit education consultant, Jennifer Brady, uses humor and stories from her journey–from the classroom to nonprofit leadership and entrepreneurship–to illustrate simple steps that will start leaders on a path to radical, positive changes, aligning their personal and professional lives. Participants will gain insight into the limiting thoughts and beliefs nonprofit education professionals buy into, the mindsets needed to shift out of those beliefs, simple actions to step into their power, and the inspiration to pursue their own lives of health, happiness and success.