Other Side of the Fence: Audio lessons in diversity and inclusion

  • - For learning and development of educational staff and leaders, choose personal stories as the fertile ground upon which to base the learning.
  • - Given the great variety in diversity and inclusion policies across educational institutions, the premise of these audio lessons is not to be prescriptive in the answers but for the scenarios/challenges to trigger greater self-reflection.
  • - The pilot series of ten audio lessons provide an introduction to the broad themes e.g. gender, ethnicity, and neurodiversity. There is the scope for series to grow in scope as well as go even deeper i.e. a series of ten audio lessons on one theme alone e.g. neurodiversity.

Session Description

Dr Lalith Wijedoru believes that stories are surprisingly economical in conveying complex messages in graspable ways. This is one reason why children learn well through stories.

For educational staff, Dr Wijedoru is piloting a series called ‘Other Side of the Fence’. This self-reflective learning series will feature ten audio lessons highlighting diversity and inclusion challenges in educational institutions.

Each lesson features a single theme illustrated using real-life stories from students, parents, and/or staff, and compared and contrasted with the story of someone on the ‘other side of the fence’.

The associated worksheet for this podcast generally asks the listeners ‘what would you do in this situation?’