Neurodiversity and Education: From wellbeing to welldoing

  • - Explore the benefits and limitations of labels in inclusive education.
  • - Learn how we can reduce, remove, and rethink barriers to learning.
  • - Discover what a busy teacher can do to meet multiple needs across a large cohort of students.

Session Description

Neurodiversity is about the different ways in which we all think, move, hear, see, understand, process information, and communicate with each other.

In this session, we will look at how to enable all students to access, participate in and make progress in their education. Based on our two complementary books published in 2023, we will review definitions and theories of neurodiversity and well-being, and we will suggest some practical ways in which we can both be more inclusive in our classrooms and enable our students to take greater control of and responsibility for how they feel and function.