Juxtaposing Gender and Racial Practices: A sense-making exercise to promote critical reflection and inclusivity

  • - Gain awareness of how gender is embedded in various aspects of schools, and understand gender from diverse perspectives.
  • - Explore a professional development exercise that juxtaposes schools’ gender and racial practices, encouraging a critical examination of normalized binary gender differences.
  • - Acquire a sense-making strategy to foster deeper discussions and critical reflections, promoting inclusivity.

Session Description

Schools continue to be places where binary gender differences are reinforced, promoting norms and expectations associated with being a boy or a girl. Teachers and leaders must reflect on how they normalize binary gender differences and examine how they can create an inclusive space for diverse gender expressions and identities. This session will explore a professional development exercise of juxtaposing schools’ gender and racial practices. By the end of the session, participants will have a sense-making strategy that can be used to foster discussion, and critical reflection, and promote inclusivity.

Downloadable resources: