Intentional Leadership: A guide for school leaders to unlock deeper collaboration and drive results

  • - Reflect on their level of self-awareness in leadership, and how the research relates to teaching and building leadership (collaborative culture of learning).
  • - Learn of the importance of leading teaching and learning as a superintendent, district office staff member, and principal (effective leadership strategies for instructional leadership).
  • - Engage in some practical and effective strategies that can be used in adult and student learning (Identify and engage in research-based methods to increase student engagement).

Session Description

Intentionality in leadership is both an art and a science, but it takes leaders being unreasonable to get there. What is different about the professional learning Peter and Michael facilitate is that they not only care about the learning that participants engage in, but they care equally as much about how the participants feel while they are together. What we know is that anxiety diminishes efficacy (Bandura. 1977), so how participants feel when they come together is important. Co-constructing success criteria, using protocols for learning, and providing plenty of time for processing information are just a few ways they meet the academic and social-emotional needs of participants.