Inclusive Education at the Crossroads: Effective global special needs provision

  • - The inadequate provision of education for children with Special Educational needs worldwide.
  • - The discrepancies between the global aims and implementation of national education systems perpetuate many of the unintended consequences of the inclusive education movement.
  • - The consequences to individuals and national education systems of not meeting these needs honestly and appropriately with the funding resources and legislation they require.

Session Description

Ring-fenced funding for Local Authorities, Academy Trusts and individual special and mainstream schools should be mandated for funding for the children defined as needing support. The level of support should correlate to the needs of the child and be legally established and enforceable from before the start of any school year. The contradictions between what is assumed to be the rights of parents to choose the most appropriate school for their child and the rights of the child to be included in the mainstream should be examined and resolved. Legislation should be reformed accordingly.