Implementing Mastery Learning

  • - Learn about Mastery Learning strategies and how these strategies can help teachers improve student learning at all grade levels
  • - Explore strategies for implementing Mastery Learning in different subject areas and at all grade levels
  • - Review guidelines for follow-up and support for teachers implementing Mastery Learning, and for informing parents of these procedures

Session Description

In this keynote presentation, Professor Guskey will describe ways to personalize and differentiate instruction for diverse students using mastery learning instructional strategies. He will discuss how mastery learning provides the theoretical foundation for using classroom assessments as learning tools and offer practical suggestions for adapting mastery learning to different assessment formats, individual teaching styles, specific classroom situations, and the needs of individual students. Through engaging stories and clarifying examples, he will help participants gain a clear understanding of the theory and practice of mastery learning, and examine ways to effectively implement these strategies to help more students learn excellently