How Well Does Learning Endure? How Do You Know?

  • - PBS is a research-led toolkit to give schools a shared language of excellence.
  • - A monitoring and evaluation toolkit to check that research-led practice is being used with consistency and impact through structured conversations, over time, with students and pupils.
  • - A pedagogical approach to check that pupils and students are thinking hard and building long-term memory. What are the strengths? Do more of them. What are the limitations? Do less of them.

Session Description

The most obvious thing we don’t do as well as we could is the very thing we should be doing more of – talking to pupils with their books. The question was how to do that without feeling overwhelmed, underprepared and wasting valuable time asking questions that lack structure and impact.
Pupil Book Study gives schools a proven, researched-informed systematic toolkit that enables leaders and teachers to focus on evaluating their curriculum, teaching and learning in a precise, evidence-rich environment. Schools across the world now use this evidence-led system to quality assure the curriculum provision, teaching and long-term learning.