How Do We Engender a Love of Nature in our Students?

  • - The importance of having students reconnect with nature
  • - How implicit and explicit messaging from a school around engagement with nature need to be aligned
  • - That small actions can have big impacts

Session Description

As David Suzuki “ Unless we are willing to encourage our children to reconnect with and appreciate the natural world, we can’t expect them to help protect and care for it.” Like David Suzuki we firmly believe that sustainability education should begin with engendering a love of nature. In this session you will hear about one school that has tried to ensure that children can reconnect with the natural world in order to grow into adults committed to sustainability and being impactful global citizens. We hope that by looking at one case study you will be able to reflect upon your own setting and how engagement with nature can be enhanced whatever your location. We shall also invite participants to reflect upon what explicit and implicit messaging they might be sending that either enhances or detracts from promoting an engagement with the natural world.