Harnessing AI to Enhance Teacher Efficiency

  • - Explore two AI applications for teachers: curriculum-aligned lesson planning and enhanced reading literacy tools.
  • - Learn how these AI solutions streamline administrative tasks, allowing educators to prioritize student development.
  • - Discover how AI is transforming education, making teacher lives simpler and improving learning outcomes.

Session Description

In today’s fast-paced educational landscape, maximizing teacher efficiency is paramount. That’s why GMA is excited to share with you our innovative approaches that harness AI. We’ve developed some but will share two AI-enabled strategies that empower educators: one for seamless lesson planning aligned with Indian and IB curriculum standards and the UAE’s MEP standards, and another for enhancing reading literacy outcomes. With these tools, teachers can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time focusing on their students’ growth and development. Join us to hear about the power of AI to unlock the full potential of our educators and students alike.