Fashions, Phobias and Evidence: Reform and improvement of national education systems

  • - Reviewing educational reform around the world
  • - What the evidence is telling us about performance and reform possibilities
  • - There are ways to navigate competing narratives and recommendations about educational improvement

Cambridge University Press and Assessment

Jane Mann

Tim Oates CBE

Session Description

Jane Mann and Tim Oates, both experienced in ‘educaTIonal’ reform across the globe, will be in ‘conversaTIon’ on the key issues and debates in ‘educaTIonal’ reform around the world, and the many pressures and challenges which policy makers, educators and families are facing – from climate-change-induced shifts to competing educational theory and rhetoric. They will range from the Nordic Countries to Central and South East Asia, to England, to the USA, to the Middle East to the African continent. There also will be much roaming through the current forest of educational theory – but with a focus on navigating the different models and views; finding a path through rather than getting lost.