Empowering Education: Harnessing AI to amplify human potential

  • - Accessibility: This session will showcase how AI can be made accessible to all.
  • - Creativity: We will explore AI's role as a catalyst for creativity.
  • - Connectivity: Emphasising AI’s ability to foster stronger human connections.

Session Description

This session will aim to cut through the buzz and concern surrounding AI by illustrating its potential to complement, rather than compete with human interaction in the educational sphere. We will delve into AI’s ability to uphold and optimise the heart and soul of human connectivity, demonstrating strategic, impactful applications. As the risk of an impersonal world looms, this talk emphasises the imperative to harness our collective humanity. We’ll reflect on historical lessons to prevent reducing individuals to mere cogs within an educational machine. Attendees will leave with a vision of an AI-assisted educational landscape that prioritises personalised learning, capitalises on individual strengths and nurtures the curiosity at the core of human development.