Coping in Good Times and Bad: Developing fortitude

  • - Address the relationship between coping, resilience, and fortitude
  • - Understand stress literature and strains coping
  • - Reveal how the concept of fortitude adds value and meaning

Session Description

No one thinks about how well they’re coping with life’s daily stresses until they’re not coping. Coping in Good Times and Bad brings together what we know about coping so we can create a life of health, joy, satisfaction, resilience and well-being. Coping and Resilience are in our everyday vernacular but what we need is a template for a good life.
From the key foundational researchers in the field of coping there has been a positive psychological focus on how we appraise situations and how we build our resources, personal and interpersonal, to cope with what life dishes up in good times and in bad.