Changing Learning, Changing Lives: The impact of shifting from EdTech to PedTech

  • - Prioritise pedagogy over technology integration.
  • - Align EdTech with meaningful pedagogical goals.
  • - Enhance student learning through purposeful education.

Session Description

Embark on a transformative exploration in our conference session, “Changing Learning, Changing Lives: The Impact of Shifting from EdTech to PedTech.” Dive into the paradigm shift from technology-centric to pedagogy-driven learning approaches. Explore how prioritising PedTech over EdTech profoundly shapes educational outcomes. Uncover insights into designing pedagogically sound interventions, leveraging technology as a tool for pedagogical enhancement. Our session emphasises practical strategies to align educational technology with pedagogical goals, ensuring a meaningful impact on student learning. Join us to discover how this shift holds the key to not just technological advancement but, more importantly, to changing lives through purposeful and effective education.