Bobo’s Big Move: “Where do I belong?”

  • - We will strive to understand the difficult reality and mixed emotional journey that comes along with moving, and the importance of equipping students with strategies to end well, and to start well.
  • - We will consider the unique challenges that globally mobile TCKs (Third Culture Kids) experience, with an emphasis on examining the complex questions of “Who am I?” and “Where do I belong?”.
  • - We will explore the important concept of ‘belonging’ and how this differs from ‘fitting in’.

Session Description

Join us as we take you on a ten-minute journey with Bobo, a loveable blue-footed booby, who helps us explore the complexities of global mobility, life as a Third Culture Kid and what it means to truly belong.
Bobo receives life-altering news that flips his world upside down – it’s time for his family to relocate. Emotions surge as he says goodbye to the familiarity of his home and navigates the uncharted waters of a strange new land. Through the highs and lows of moving, Bobo wonders where he truly belongs.